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Credit by Advanced Placement Exams

The College participates in the Advanced Placement Examination Program, which is administered by the College Entrance Examination Board and is coordinated through the high schools. Students must submit an official copy of their examination results to the Records Office for evaluation and posting. Note that transfer partners generally require original results and may set different score requirements. Carroll credit is awarded in accordance with the following table:

Carroll Community College Course Carroll Credits Awarded AP Exams Minimum Score
ART-101 3 Art-2D 3
ART-110 3 Art-3D 3
ART-120 3 Art Studio-Drawing 3
ART-135; ART-136 6 Art History 3
BIOL-100 4 Biology 3
BIOL-101 4 Biology 4
BIOL-101, BIOL-102 8 Biology 5
CHEM-101 4 Chemistry 3
CHEM-105 4 Chemistry 4
CHEM-105/ CHEM-106 8 Chemistry 5
CIS-105 3 Computer Science Principles 3
CIS-132 3 Computer Science A 3 or 4
CMSC-201 4 Computer Science A 5
ECON-100 3 Micro Economics 3
ECON-102 3 Macro Economics 3
ENGL-101 3 English Language and Comp 3
ENGL-102 3 English Literature and Comp 3
FREN-100, FREN-102 6 French Language and Culture 3
FREN-100/ FREN-102/ FREN-201 9 French Language and Culture 4
FREN 100/FREN 102/FREN 201/FREN 202 12 French Language and Culture 5
General Elective 3 AP Research 3
GEOG-105 3 Human Geography 3
GERM-100/ GERM-102/ GERM-201/ GERM-202 12 German Language and Culture 3
HIST-110 3 History, World 3
HIST-102 3 History, European 3
HIST-105/106 6 History, American 3
MATH-115 4 Statistics 3
MATH-135 4 Calculus AB or AB sub score 4
MATH-135 and MATH-136 8 Calculus BC 4
MATH-130 5 Precalculus (starting 2024) 4
MUSIC-105 3 Music Theory 3
MUSIC-109 4 Music Theory 4
MUSIC-109 and MUSIC-111 7 Music Theory 5
MUSIC-112 1 Music Aural sub score 4
MUSIC-112 and MUSIC-113 2 Music Aural sub score 5
PHYS-101 4 Physics 1 3
PHYS-101, PHYS-102 8 Physics 2 3
PHYS-101 4 Physics-C Mechanics 3
PHYS-111 4 Physics-C Mechanics 4
PHYS-101, PHYS-102 8 Physics: Electricity and Magnetism 3
PHYS-111, PHYS-212 8 Physics: Electricity and Magnetism 4
PSLS-100 3 Government and Politics 3
PSYC-101 3 Psychology 3
Science General Education 3 Environmental Science 3
SPAN-100, SPAN-102 6 Spanish Language and Culture 3
SPAN-100/ SPAN-102/ SPAN-201 9 Spanish Language and Culture 4
SPAN-100/ SPAN-102/ SPAN-201/ SPAN-202 12 Spanish Language and Culture 5