Frank DeLuca: County Resident Enjoys ‘Hiking in Maryland’

Frank DeLuca is a true believer in community colleges as an open door to exploring new interests that may otherwise not be experienced. An avid fan of the outdoors, DeLuca wanted to learn more about safe hiking, so he enrolled in the “Hiking in Maryland I and II” classes at Carroll Community College. He said he found the people he met in the non-credit courses to be as fascinating as the nature he studied.
“Hiking in Maryland” allows students to explore hiking paths and trails in the surrounding area. They learn to understand the terrain, path markers, weather conditions, and choose appropriate clothing and footwear. Classes meet both on campus and at outdoor hiking locations.
More people should take advantage of the classes that Carroll Community College so uniquely provides.
DeLuca said the hiking classes have been outstanding. Moreover, he has met many new friends and acquaintances from all backgrounds who share his love for the outdoors. “As a group, we leave civilization behind, hike for a few miles, take a break for pictures and snacks, and keep ongoing,” he said. “The experience is invigorating!”
DeLuca has supported taking Personal Enrichment classes at Carroll Community College since he attended his first one twenty years ago, a course in Auto Body Repair offered by Carroll at a local high school. He also speaks highly of the yoga class he has taken at Carroll.
The retired Westminster resident owned a landscaping company for 25 years that served regional commercial and residential customers. Over the years, he said he has come to appreciate living in the county and has found an oasis of learning at the community college.
“The classes I have taken at the college help to give me experiences outside of my home, to learn the history of the area and to enjoy physical exercise,” said DeLuca. “More people should take advantage of the classes that Carroll Community College so uniquely provides to area residents and visitors.”