How Satisfied Are You?
The average American spends approximately 2,000 hours a year at work. That is a lot of time to spend at a job that you may not enjoy. It is important to evaluate your career – do you love your job or do you often daydream about doing something else?
Many things can be a factor in your job satisfaction besides the actual work. Your emotions, skills and financial needs are just some of the factors that can make or break a job experience. It is important to remember that not everyone loves his or her job. It is a matter of finding solid positive points that you can focus on.
However, if you feel there are no positive aspects to your job, and you would rather get a root canal than go to work in the morning, it may be time to move on. Here are some questions that can help determine your job satisfaction.
Read Each Statement and Give Yourself a Point for Each One You Agree With:
- You enjoy talking about the positive aspects of your work to family and friends.
- You often plan and think of ideas for work, even when you are at home.
- You and your boss work together well and he or she encourages you and helps you to further your education and career.
- You are comfortable with the balance between work and your personal life.
- You learn new things on the job and will be able to use that knowledge to grow in your career.
- You feel as though you have chosen the right field for your interests, skills and personality.
- Although there may be some repetitive and boring parts to your job, you feel that your work is stimulating.
- Stressful situations may arise, but generally, you do not feel too overwhelmed or stressed out.
- You chose this career because you were genuinely interested in it, not because you thought it paid well.
- Fear of debt or not being able to find another job are not the only reasons you are still in this position.
0-2: You have little to no satisfaction with your work. You may have started your career choices based on salary or by the suggestion of someone else. You probably feel undervalued and bored. See if you can get involved with new tasks and challenge yourself. Consider whether it is the job itself or the company that is making you unhappy and then evaluate your options.
3-4: You have some satisfaction with your job, whether it is the relationships you’ve developed with the people you work with or the work itself. If you are new to this profession, find out where the opportunities lie to challenge yourself so you do not get bored or stagnant.
5-6: Overall, you are satisfied with your job, but could be stressed or overworked. You may wish you had more balance in your life. While you enjoy what you do, take steps to make sure you are not burning yourself out.
7-8: You are really satisfied with your job and while you sometimes look for other opportunities, it’s only because you are considering your options. Keep reminding yourself of your ultimate career goal so you do not get complacent.
9-10: Congratulations! You have found a job where you feel valued, challenged and satisfied. You enjoy what you do. You are confident in your skills and so are your employers and co-workers. Continue learning and sharing your passion for your chosen profession.