Joseph Hensgen: Grant Helps Adult Student Return to College

Thirty-five-year-old Joseph R. Hensgen graduated from Carroll with an AA in General Studies in May, 2016. He is now taking prerequisites to apply to the Nursing program at Carroll Community College.
“When I finally knew what path to go on, after years of uncertainty,” said Hensgen, “Carroll gave me the reassurance and guidance that only an institution that cares about their students would do, no matter the age, starting point, or past struggles students may have encountered.”
“When I was given information about the One Step Away program, I knew my timing to come back to Carroll was exactly the right moment to finish my degree. With the One Step Away grant, I was better able to afford my classes and my books.”
Hensgen also credits Carroll’s excellent faculty. They gave him the insight into who he is as a student and his strengths as an individual. Whenever he needed to ask a question on a particular aspect of class material, faculty were always there to listen.
“This really speaks volumes about the learning environment at Carroll,” said Hensgen. “Even Carroll’s president Dr. Ball has taken time to speak to me, which shows how Carroll nurtures the experience for every student.”
When Hensgen arrived at his decision to attend Carroll, like many students he didn’t know what he wanted to do. Yet after years with no clear academic path, Carroll ended up being the right choice for him.
“If I had gone to a larger institution, I may have felt lost. There was a great deal of support at Carroll, and smaller class sizes,” Hensgen said. “Two of the most honored experiences given to me at Carroll include speaking in front of the Board of Trustees and the Foundation board. The experiences gave me the chance to share my gratitude about how and why Carroll is such an important institution.”
My experiences while at Carroll included growth and self-appreciation.