Leigh Swistock: Graduate Credits Carroll for Helping Her Ambition

Leigh Swistock says that in high school she was reserved. Then she enrolled at Carroll Community College as a Hill Scholar honors program student and everything turned around for her. She credits Carroll faculty for helping her to discover her passion and purse her ambitions.
“Carroll faculty encouraged me to join clubs and organizations and to step out of my comfort zone,” said Swistock. “I am a different person now. The faculty are incredible, they helped me to get up to speed in my classes and taught me the skills to multi-task so I could juggle two campus jobs along with my studies.”
I credit Carroll for helping me to plan my career path. Carroll helped me to become who I am today.
Swistock’s success at Carroll resulted in two outstanding recognitions. First, she was named the 2016 New Century Scholar by achieving the state’s highest score in the All-USA Community College Academic Team competition recognizing outstanding community college students. Then, in May 2016 she served as the student speaker to address her fellow graduates at Commencement. She urged her peers to not settle in life and to strive to move forward.
Swistock also received scholarships at Carroll. Scholarships helped her to be able to afford her transfer college, the University of Central Florida in Orlando, starting in Fall 2016. “I credit Carroll for helping me to plan my career path. Carroll helped me become who I am today.”