Student Emergency Assistance Fund

Thank you to our special matching gift donors R. Wayne Barnes, Todd Brown, Dr. Faye Pappalardo, and PSA Insurance & Financial Services!
Your donation helps Carroll students with:
• Food & living incidentals
• Technology & education supplies
• Transportation
• Child care
Many of Carroll’s students are just one small bump in the road away from being forced to halt their pursuit of their higher education plans. In the best of times, gap funding is often needed to supplement their educational goals.
We invite our generous community, donors and alumni to contribute to the new Carroll Cares Student Emergency Assistance Fund, a specialized fund that meets the demands brought on by unique and devastating crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
We’ve Reached 137% of Our Annual Goal
Thank you to 75 Donors for helping us raise $34,370 to date.
Please consider giving to this ongoing and worthwhile cause.
Please consider giving to this ongoing and worthwhile cause.