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Campus Alert

No Contact Orders

No Contact Orders (NCOs) prohibit students from visiting, calling, or sending messages to each other—physically, electronically, or through third parties. No Contact Orders are not considered to be disciplinary actions and may not become part of a student’s conduct record. Failure to follow the No Contact Order may result in disciplinary action and could result in disciplinary sanctions and a conduct record.  

The College will consider all facts and circumstances that may be relevant to whether an NCO should be issued, including, but not limited to, the following factors: 

  • When there are allegations, threats, or evidence of physical violence by one student against another student, faculty, or staff member; 
  • When there are allegations, threats, or evidence of emotional abuse or harassment by one student of another student, faculty, or staff member; 
  • When there is a substantial risk of emotional harm from continued contact between another student, faculty, or staff member; 
  • When continued contact between students may have a material impact on campus disciplinary proceedings; or 
  • When there are allegations of serious College policy violations. 

NCOs are usually reciprocal and shall provide that neither person may have contact with the other. “Contact” includes, but is not necessarily limited to, in-person contact, telephone calls, email, texts and other forms of electronic communication, social media-based messages or postings, and third-party communications. 

NCOs may include additional protective measures or other terms specific to the safety, well-being, or other needs of either or both persons subject to the NCO, when deemed necessary by the College. Any additional terms shall be expressly stated in the NCO. Additional protective measures or other terms need not be reciprocal. 

NCOs may include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Restricting a student from being in close proximity to the other persons; 
  • Restricting a student’s access to certain campus locations; 
  • Requiring that the students not be enrolled in the same academic course(s); and/or 
  • Requiring that the students not participate in the same co-curricular or extra-curricular activities. 

The following administrators may issue NCOs: 

  • For matters pertaining to the Code of Integrity for Academic and Behavioral Standards: the Director of Student Care and Integrity or designee; 
  • For matters pertaining to the Sexual Misconduct Policy: the Title IX Coordinator, or designee; and 
  • For emergency situations involving personal safety: the Campus Police may issue temporary NCOs, which shall be confirmed, modified or rescinded by the Director of Student Care and Integrity, Title IX Coordinator or designee once all relevant information is reviewed. 

If you have questions about No Contact Orders, please contact the Director of Student Care and Integrity.  


If you have any questions about No Contact Orders, please contact the Director of Student Care and Integrity, Ms. Davida Anderson: Email:, Phone: 410-386-8217