Child Care Professional: Early Childhood Teacher Certificate
At a Glance
Our Early Childhood Teacher Certificate workforce training program prepares you to teach and care for children at a childcare center. This program meets State of Maryland requirements for training hours in a school-aged program.
Approx. Number of Hours/Months:
90 hours/9 months
Program Cost:**
Est. Hourly Wage:*
$12.50 per hour
Min. Occupational Requirements:
18 years old or older; high school diploma or GED®
Early Childhood Teacher Job Overview
An early childhood teacher provides care and educational experiences for children ages 3-5 at a childcare center. Teachers develop lesson plans, integrate curriculums, teach lessons, establish age-appropriate environments, discipline children, maintain records and interact with parents.
Licensure/certification earned
None. However, courses meet the state-mandated training for employment in licensed Maryland facilities.
Financial Assistance
View all current course offerings. Not all courses are offered within every term schedule.
Child Growth and Development examines the physical, cognitive, social and emotional growth of young children from prenatal development through middle childhood. It reviews prominent theories of development and topics such as health, nutrition, play and the family. This course meets the Maryland State Department of Education Child Development requirement for an initial certificate in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education and also satisfies 45 hours of the 90-hour Child Care Certificate required for Senior Staff.
Provides the second pre-service component of the required training for child care professionals. The course introduces the basic concepts of curriculum planning for children birth to age eight. Topics include curriculum areas, environment, schedule planning, literacy, child development, teaching techniques, resources and code of ethics. Can be taken as a credit or non-credit course.
Additional Information & Program Requirements
Students must either validate previous successful college courses (C or better in reading and writing) or be eligible for ENGL101. Students who are not eligible but still want to take the course must take the transitional reading/writing courses or retest.
Related Professional Skills and Job Training courses
Additional childcare courses are offered on a regular basis.
Interested in enrolling?
410-386-8100 |
*Wages are based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and are estimates only.
**Unless noted, cost does not include any required textbooks and related materials, applicable licensing fees, background check fees, testing fees or prerequisite courses.