Student ID Cards
College Photo IDs are issued to:
All credit students that have registered and applied any amount of payment towards the term’s tuition (including paid in full, enrolled in college deferred payment plan, or received approval for financial aid and/or loan payment).
Eligible Continuing Education and Training (CET) students. Students who are enrolled in a program of 100 hours or more may be eligible for issuance of a photo ID with the permission of the CET Program Coordinator and Vice President of Continuing Education.
All Student ID’s are processed by Library Staff.
Additional individuals may be deemed eligible for a photo ID with the written approval of the President or a Vice President of the College.
All benefit eligible employees of Carroll Community College are required to have a photo ID. Temporary employees and adjunct faculty are eligible to have a college photo ID. Employee ID’s are processed by Human Resources.
How to Get and Where to Use Your Student ID
Photo IDs are used for:
- Use of the college Library and online resources
- Use of reserved materials, Music CDs, equipment and Laptops
- Use of the Fitness Center (with supporting documentation)
- To record attendance at various campus activities
- College IDs may be used at various businesses and restaurants for student discount
- Student priced theater tickets for Carroll Community College productions
How to Get Your Photo ID
The Photo ID Office is located in Room L183 on the main level of the Library in the Learning Resource Center. There is no cost for the initial college photo ID. A valid photo ID, such as a current driver’s license or passport, is required to receive your college photo ID. Headwear (except religious) and sunglasses are not permitted for the ID photograph. Only one photograph is taken per person.
Photo ID hours vary depending on the academic calendar. Please see the library’s COVID page for the current photo ID hours.
Supporting Documentation Deeded for Verification for Use of the Fitness Center
Must provide a copy of your semester class schedule. You are then issued a fitness card ID for the period of that Semester.
Photo IDs are used for:
- Use of the Fitness Center (with supporting documentation)
- Security
- College IDs may be used at various businesses and restaurants for student discount
- Student priced theater tickets for Carroll Community College productions
How to Get Your Photo ID
Your instructor will contact the photo ID office and arrange a day/time for your class to come and obtain your ID. Please bring your driver’s license or another form of photo id.
*designated 100+ non-credit courses and classes requiring field placement.
Supporting Documentation Deeded for Verification for Use of the Fitness Center
Must show your college issued ID and will be verified against a list of eligible students provided to the Fitness Center by CET and IT.
Lost of Stolen Photo IDs
If a photo ID card is lost, stolen or damaged, students may purchase a replacement. Replacement cards are only issued to eligible credit students.* To obtain a replacement photo ID, pay $5.00 fee at the Business Office and bring the receipt to the Photo ID Office (L183) in addition to a valid photo ID, such as a current driver’s license or passport, and current course schedule.