MILLER Case Study: Moving Together Forward, LLC

Judith Nance, a Certified Professional Coach and Certified Facilitator in Addiction Awareness, is the owner of Moving Together Forward, a provider of confidential, encouraging and empathetic coaching services to assist others in their struggles. After years of working in the mental health and addiction fields, she launched her own business in Spring 2022.

“Starting a business was much more challenging than I thought it would be,” Judith recalled. “At the start of the business, I was working two jobs but now have pared that down to one full-time job. I’ve experienced challenges when I have had periods of doubt and at times have become overwhelmed.”
Miller provided her with a variety of services to address these challenges. “Miller has always encouraged me to be successful and provides me with the opportunity to express and talk through my doubt when it arises,” Judith said.
She found Miller through her research into the education programs Carroll Community College offers in her chosen field of work. Miller assisted her with setting up a webpage for her business, presenting startup financing opportunities and providing referrals as needs arose.
Judith plans to continue consulting with Miller as her business expands, as well utilize their services to open another non-profit in the same field. “Miller provides me with the level of support I need as the process continues. Tom Mazerski has met me where I am, ready to assist as I’m ready to receive information.”
Judith believes now is a good time for women to become entrepreneurs, as there are more funding opportunities for woman entrepreneurs than ever before. In addition, there are a growing number of woman-based support systems and business networks.
“I would encourage women who have a passion and a vision to give themselves the gift of exploring the opportunities our county and state have to offer,” Judith said. “Miller will support your vision and help you define how and what that will look like.”
Free Consultation
Tom Mazerski, Director, Miller: Resources for Entrepreneurs
410-386-8393 |