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Campus Alert

Student Care

What is Starfish and how can I use it? 

Starfish  is the primary channel to complete a Student Concern Report by selecting ‘Report a Student Concern.’ For non-emergency student concern referrals, please report a concern through Starfish (in the case of an emergency, please call 911 and campus safety at 410-386-8123).

Alternatively, you can submit a Student Concern & Incident Report Form, which is another channel to complete a Student Concern Report if you do not have access to Starfish. Another option is the ‘Report Student Concern’ icon, which can be accessed from any college computer desktop.

This is a proactive approach to provide cross-campus support/response to students who are experiencing personal challenges that may hinder their academic success or well-being.

The report goes directly to the Office of Student Care and Integrity for a response within 48 hours. For use by students, faculty, or staff.

Please contact the Director of Student Care and Integrity/Chair of the Behavioral Intervention Team, Dr. DaVida Anderson, at or 410-386-8217 if you have questions or need further assistance.

Graphic displaying how to report a student concern. Please contact the Director of Student Care and Integrity/Chair of the Behavioral Intervention Team, Dr. DaVida Anderson, at or 410-386-8217 if you have questions or need further assistance.


Timely Care Logo Carroll Community College

Registered students have free access to our new Student Assistance Program, TimelyCare. TimelyCare is a service that offers virtual mental health and wellbeing services to students for free. Students have access to six free counseling sessions through Talk Now and the opportunity to self-maintain their wellbeing through the self-care journey and peer-to-peer community.  

Talk Now 

TalkNow allows students to visit from anywhere and get on-demand, 24/7 emotional support from a behavioral health provider to talk about concerns like:  

  • Anxiety 
  • Depression 
  • Substance use 
  • Stress 
  • Life transitions 
  • Academic challenges 
  • Relationship issues

Self-Care Journey 

With TimelyCare’s Self-Care Journey, students have 24/7/365 access to short videos, interactive guides, and articles from experts on topics such as managing stress, relationships, and healthy eating. 

Peer to Peer Community 

Peer Community is easy to use. It’s a safe place for students to voice their thoughts, emotions, and feelings — wherever they are, whenever they need it. 

Visit or download the app to your phone to access these services.


It is the responsibility of faculty members to:

  • Ensure the academic rigor of their courses
  • Ensure that the content of their courses is consistent with the description of the courses in the college catalog
  • Make all reasonable efforts to deter academic dishonesty and report academic dishonesty when it occurs
  • Provide clear expectations
  • Give full and honest feedback
  • Value and encourage student aspirations and goals

Academic Dishonesty

Click to Learn About the 5 Types of Academic Dishonesty

It is the responsibility of all members of the College community to uphold the integrity of the learning environment and to take action against those who violate the Code. Representatives of the College (administrators, staff, and faculty) have the responsibility to:

  • Provide an environment conducive to learning and fostering academic integrity
  • To treat all individuals on campus with respect and in a manner consistent with the Code
  • Ensure that procedures for due process are provided for students alleged to have violated the Code, and for students who believe they have not been treated fairly
  • Not tolerate or ignore misconduct or academic dishonesty

Cultivating an academic environment that values individuals whose actions reflect integrity is both challenging and uplifting. Being a person of integrity requires demonstrating both small and large acts of courage on a daily basis. The personal value to believe in and act in ways that live up to a higher ideal is the cornerstone of academic responsibility. The tenet behind the Code is that the College is only as strong as the members who comprise its community, and each individual member must have a sense of community, personal integrity, and honesty.

For more information see, Section Six: Code of Integrity for Academic and Behavioral Standards.

Standards of Student Conduct

Carroll Community College strives to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all students, faculty, and staff. To uphold that environment, the College subscribes to a specific code of conduct which is in accordance with Section Six: Code of Integrity for Academic and Behavioral Standards. Under the The Code of Integrity for Academic and Behavioral Standards of Student Conduct, there are seven types of  violations of student conduct: Disruptive Behavior, Falsification of Information, Failure to Comply, Gambling, Abuse of Facilities and Equipment, Abuse of Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco, and Assault and Harassment (Select the link above to learn more about Section Six.) Under the Code of Integrity for Academic and Behavioral Standards, there are five types of violations of academic dishonesty: Cheating, Fabrication, Facilitation, Plagiarism, and Self-Plagiarism (Select the link above to learn more about Section Six.)

How can I report a violation of the Standards of Academic Honesty?

The  Reporting a Violation of the Standards of Academic Honesty Form is to be used to report an incident of academic dishonesty relative to the Standards of Academic Honesty. When an academic dishonesty incident has been alleged, the faculty member is required to initiate the reporting process. This process allows students and faculty to provide the necessary documentation for a more formal and consistent review.

How Do I Report a Violation of The Standards of Academic Honesty?

Contact the Director of Student Care and Integrity for a determination as to whether the incident is the first, second, or third violation of the Standards of Academic Honesty. If it is the first or second violation, the Director of Student Care and Integrity determines the sanction(s). If it is the third violation, the student will be referred to the Integrity Council, which will determine and recommend the sanction(s). The student will retain the right to appeal the sanction(s) to the Associate Provost, Student Affairs & Marketing or Vice President of CET. The student will be notified in writing by the Director of Student Care and Integrity regarding the violation and subsequent sanction(s) or action. Click here to view a flowchart of this process.

How can I report a violation of the Standards of Student Conduct?

The Student Conduct Incident Report (Reporting a Violation of the Standards of Student Conduct) is to be used to report a violation of Student Conduct. An alleged student conduct violation may be reported by any member of the College community. To report a student conduct violation, a Student Conduct Incident Report must be completed and submitted in a timely manner to the Director of Student Care and Integrity, who will promptly investigate the incident. (An alleged violation of a criminal or civil law, however, should be reported immediately to the Administration Office of Carroll Community College.)

The Director of Student Care and Integrity may:

a. Dismiss the allegation(s) as being unfounded or irrelevant; or

b. Request a conference with the student within five (5) working days after receiving notice that the student may have committed a student conduct violation. After conferring with the student, Director of Student Care and Integrity may dismiss the allegation or proceed with disciplinary action