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Campus Alert

For CCPS student who wants to take classes at Carroll

Spend half your day in high school and the other half at Carroll Community College, where you can earn college credits and be introduced to life on a college campus! Enroll in up to four courses, if approved by your high school. 

Thanks to the recently implemented Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, dually enrolled students attending CCPS receive a 100% tuition and fee discount on their classes. (Summer classes excluded. Students taking classes during the summer session will be charged the full cost of tuition and fees.)

To view course offerings, please visit our course catalog (no login required). Students can take any course they are eligible for.

If you are interested in Dual Enrollment, follow these steps:

  1. Apply for Carroll online.
    • You will enter your personal email address (gmail, icloud, etc.); CCPS students do not use your school email account.
    • Do this at least 24 hours before you plan to register for classes.
    • You will receive an email from the College the next day with instructions for setting up your account.
  2. Most students use their high school grade point average for placement. We will give you other options if needed.
  3. Students are required to view a recorded Dual Enrollment First Advising session AFTER applying. After the application is submitted students receive a link to view.

    Parents/guardians are expected watch the recorded Dual First Advising Session video to ensure they have received the information and understand implications of dual enrollment for high school and college requirements. By parent signature on the dual enrollment application, the parent is acknowledging they have watched an advising session and received the required information.
  4. Once all steps above are completed, register for classes. You have two options:
    1. If you DO NOT need help with class selection and you are taking a class that meets at Carroll’s Campus or Online, you can register for classes in your Lynx Student Portal Only register for the number of classes approved by your high school. If you are registering for a college class being held at your high school, you will not be able to use this option. Skip to option b or c.
    2. If you DO need help with class selection and would like to meet with a counselor, schedule a meeting by calling Admissions at 410-386-8430 or schedule a meeting through Starfish using this Link. We also have office hours to meet with students in your high school! Ask your high school counselor if you would prefer this option.

Carroll Community College and CCPS work together to offer Dual Enrollment classes in your high school based on demand, allowing students who have tight schedules or transportation issues to participate in dual enrollment when possible. Highly qualified high school teachers are hired as adjunct instructors by the College to teach the class exactly the same as in a college setting. Meet with your high school counselor to request dual enrollment at your school if it is not already offered there.

Can I take courses outside of the school day

Yes, students may take late afternoon and evening courses.

Can I take online courses?

Yes, online courses are allowed, but require special attention and diligence on the part of the student. We encourage students to take classes in person for the college atmosphere experience, but understand that online classes are more flexible in terms of scheduling.

Can I take winter or summer courses as a dually enrolled student?

Winter: Yes. You will need to complete new dual enrollment paperwork with your High School Counselor. Discounted tuition is applied to the Winter term.
Summer: A student may take classes, but it is not considered dual enrollment and no discount is offered. However, Summer is a great time to take extra coursework, especially college-level science courses which are harder to work around a high school schedule.

Do my parents need to attend the dual enrollment meeting?

Parents are expected to view the Dual First Advising Session and complete a Dual Enrollment Request Form with the High School Counselor. We encourage the parent to attend the registration meeting at the College as well. The parent cannot come to the College alone to register their child; the student must be present for this meeting.

How does dual enrollment impact eligibility in high school sports?

At the initial meeting, your High School Counselor will discuss with you how dual enrollment affects your participation in sports as well as many other important things, such as GPA and graduation from high school.

How many courses can I take?

When you meet with your High School Counselor, you will discuss how many courses you should take based on your schedule. For CCPS students, it is mod for mod. For example, if you are missing two classes, you need to enroll in two college classes.

Is tutoring available for me as a dually enrolled student?

Yes! As a dually enrolled student at your high school or at Carroll, you are able to participate in drop-in or by-appointment tutoring for free!

What courses can I take at Carroll Community College?

We have so many options at Carroll! A student can take whatever s/he is eligible for in regards to placement. The high school may provide recommendations for the student. Students can work on graduation requirements such as history, English, mathematics and personal finance. Students may also take courses they are interested in or general education requirements. A Carroll Admissions Counselor can work with the student through this process.

What if I have a 504 or IEP?

Carroll Community College wants to ensure that students have a healthy transition to college coursework. Students with a 504 or IEP (or any other medical documentation) can meet with a Disability Support Services counselor in A101 to discuss accommodations at the College. Students need to self-identify and schedule a meeting with the ADA Office before the start of classes. Students enrolled in CCC courses which are being taught on CCPS sites who would be eligible for accommodations on the basis of their existing IEP/504 plans would be eligible to receive postsecondary-appropriate accommodations through Carroll’s Office of ADA/Disability Support Services.

For the majority of testing accommodation needs/requests – most commonly 50% additional testing time, distraction-reduced testing, calculator access – Carroll is amenable to a simplified process whereby the majority of these student accommodation needs/requests can be provided directly through an affirmation of eligibility by a designated representative/point-of-contact within the high school.

More complex student needs or accommodation requests can be addressed on a case-by-case basis through the standard established process at Carroll for students requesting accommodations.

What if I haven’t taken the SAT or ACT?

There are many ways to place college level! In fact, many students will place directly into college courses with their high school unweighted GPA. We do not require the SAT or ACT. See your High School Counselor or a Carroll Admissions Counselor for any questions.

What is the CCPS dual enrollment paperwork?

This is paperwork that must be completed at the meeting between the student, their parent/guardian(s) and the High School Counselor. The school counselor will provide initial information about eligibility, graduation requirements, sports eligibility, grades, etc. The school counselor may also provide recommendations for coursework. After this the Dual Enrollment Request Form is completed, CCPS will provide this information to Carroll.

Will my courses transfer to my 4-year school?

Yes! Many dually enrolled students work on general education classes which do transfer to both in-state and out-of-state schools. If you have any questions/concerns about a course, the Carroll Admissions Counselor can help you at the registration meeting.

Garrett Zanin Portrait

Garrett Zanin: The Art of Dual Enrollment

Garrett Zanin, currently in his senior year at South Carroll High School, had good reason to dually enroll in art classes at Carroll Community College.

Read More about Garrett Zanin: The Art of Dual Enrollment

For More Information About Dual Enrollment

Our Admissions Office is open and can meet on campus or remotely. Call or email us with questions or to schedule an appointment with an advisor.

Monday – Thursday | 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday | 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
410-386-8430 |